The Temple of Torment
The Temple of Torment is a RPG game released in 2014 designed and developed by Aukustus. The Temple of Torment can be described as a full free version game and can be played on the following operating systems: Windows.

“The Temple of Torment is set on a medieval fantasy world, inhabited only by humans, invaded by demons. The game features quest-based gameplay with good and evil choices. The rules are calculated with a simulated d20 die but The Temple of Torment is not compatible with the d20 System. Overall style is D&D-esque combat with mana based spell system. The Temple of Torment could be described as "Diablo I meets D&D meets ADOM".” - Aukustus
The Temple of Torment Details
The Temple of Torment
release date:
in developement, playable