Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno
Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno is a adventure game released in 2017 designed and developed by Videojuegos Fermín. Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno can be described as a full free version game and can be played on the following operating systems: Windows.

“Put in the mixer "The secret of Monkey Island" and the daily life of a mad Spanish University. There you are, as Benito Retamosa, such a lazy, cheeky student, more interested in partying than in reading Aristotle. On your adventures through College, you will have to meet Mr. Gustavo Bueno, an ancient master of Philosophy you will need to overcome your mission.” - Videojuegos Fermín
Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno Details
Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno
release date: