Free remakes
Play free and free-to-play remakes of old video games based on old glories
The freeware scene is scattered of developer teams or lonely programmers who take inspiration from old video games to create something new or simply to remake them. Sometimes, the best way to pay homage to old video games is to create a remake with updated graphics and sound, smoother gameplay, better controls with the purpose of making a better game than the original. Video game remakes are a wonderful way to show that kind of appreciation to the old times and sometime are a prelude to a career in the video gaming industry.
The games that gets remade the most are classics well known to videogame players. Civilization, Sierra On-Line point&click adventures, Zelda, Transport Tycoon are just some of the games that got remade by fans. Also, arcade classics are a favorite of developers who are looking for easy remakes: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Pengo were all remade multiple times.
Free Games Utopia is a completely free one-person project. If you wish to help, you can donate a few bucks. Thank you!


Fatal Fury Final

The Ur-Quan Masters

Mario Bros VGA




Dungeon Craft


Super Mario Fusion Revival

Push-Push Penguin




King's Quest II: Romancing the stones

King's Quest III VGA

Maze of Galious

Tetris Fun

Return of Dr. Destructo

Bejeweled REMAKE

Mushroom Kingdom Fusion

Alley Cat Remeow Edition

Zelda Classic


Gordian Tomb

Head over Heels


Spheres of Chaos

Streets of Rage Remake

Triple Triad Gold

Ultimate Super Mario World


Mario and Luigi


Road Fighter

The Goonies: 20th Anniversary Edition

Maniac Mansion Deluxe

F-1 Spirit


Sonic Robo Blast 2

Black Mesa

Green Beret

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown

River Raid
